Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Snow Day

Well because it snowed for once in 3 years here in Texas, a snow day was decided do I got to stay home! This morning started off with me placing in an offer for 474 bananas so I could get 76 Summoning. They didn't sell. To keep myself busy while waiting so I finally got off to doing my level three clue. Had one wilderness part in it that I was nearly killed in and was teleblocked twice >.<. Finally after 6 steps, a puzzle box, and the most complicated location for a Saradomin Wizard, I got my reward and a Rune Full Helm (g), 720k reward! Yay yay!!! That just payed for my summoning level.The bananas still didn't sell so I decided to go get them myself. Karamja glory > Edgeville teleport took forever. It was incredibly boring, but after 30 minutes I was off to grab a Kyatt and start Summoning. A converstaion broke out about rares, and ODST Isaac stated he use to have 8k Disks of Returning. I of course did not belive this for the following reasons:

1) Who buys 8k Disks of Retuning.
2) According to the information I can tell he know, he was not around when they were released.

I called him out on it and he said he started in 2003, I called him out again saying lies. he's 12 years old right now, if he started in 2003 he would have been 5. Most 5 year olds don't play Runescape or figure out how to play it. He eventually went quiet and I guess I called him out on his lies. Seconds later he shouted he was KOed by DH in Barrows. Zamorak punishes those who lie. He lied so Zamorak used made DH hit the 78 on him. To be nice I did try to make it to his grave I got to Barrows with 45 seconds left on his grave. I looked in all the hills and couldnt find it. Eventually he said it's gone, and then they all told me I was on the wrong world. He lost 1.5mil, and I couldv'e saved it :/

I went back to Summoning after my long walk back up the swamp. 75 Charms later 76 Summoning and 112 combat was mine! I love Summoning I would love to get 99 in it one day, but I'm not ready to increase combat levels, i'm not a big fan of it. For now Penguin Points and Bork charms go on. In two levels I can summon a farmers best friend: Giant Ents!
My day ended with me doing Zogre Coffins. I had never done it before and with 99 theif it should be easy to pick lock the, and it has. I really planned to Runecraft today, but until people buy my 450 Fruit Bat pouches and I get all my money back I'm broke and can't but Ess. Until then I'll be collecting bnoes fromt hese coffins. By the way- does anyone know what level clue scroll these coffins give?

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