Monday, March 29, 2010

Egg-streme Management

I can honestly admit I completely forgot about an Easter Event this year lol. Well as I'm first starting this little thing the first thing I noticed is Easta Buni?! What the heck is Jagex trying to go ghetto or something? Maybe I'll find out something later

So this seems to be the same as last year and the year before, we're just helping him with his factory. Let's hope this one is funner then years past, I don't really like the factory help. So far it seems kind of dull all I've done is clean cogs though, maybe something will get better I mean the Easta Buni is cracking me up with the way he talks!

Just did the glaze combinations, not sure why people are getting so angry about it its not too difficult. If you are having trouble look at your color wheel carefully and makesure you add more of the primary color that is near you color you are searching for. I hope that makes some sence.

With big Ben the squirrel, didnt we do the same thing last year with retraining them to use the machine. If not is seems very familiar. The Big Easter Bird is so cute! Too bad he never does his job. at least it seems like he never has in these years, this year because he's depressed.

The factory was probebly the most ccomplicated thing I have ever ran. All I can tell you is read the side carefully it tells you how to make each of the 7 orders.
Ok just finished the whole thing and I like the squrriel ears! I did the summon minion thing and someone instaantly killed him! The emote isn't half bad either.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Burying Money

Got 92 Farming this afternoon. It makes me wonder how rich I would be if I didn't spend money on a lot of plants and burying it into the ground. Also put the final piece of the week three statue on. Now starting to get onto week 4 but it isn't starting really well construction rock is taking forever. While doing Shattered Heart I've also been growing herbs for herblore levels, Grimy Irits for super attacks maybe till 80 or if I'm not bored 88 and then turn them into extreme attacks. Tomorrow I do penguins and am going to try to finish Shattered Heart week 4 rocks.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Levels Lost

I apologise for not posting in almost a month, school has gotten in the way again. I was about to make a beautiful post a couple weeks ago with all the wonderful levels I've gotten but I had to redo somethings in my computer and all of my pictures were deleted. I don't know about you but I like pictures and sometimes an entry without pictures can be boring, so I haven't posted. Two of these pictures lost were 91 Farming and 72 Runecrafting.

First thing I can talk about is bonues exp weekend. I wasn't excited for it as much as I should be but when it finally came I found it helped a lot! What I did was is I actually bought palm seeds and planted them. the next day I checked them and logged off the rest of the day until the next day and got more exp from regular pineapples. All in all I got about 550k farming exp. The rest of the time I spent mining granite. Granite + bonues expereince = fast! I got 74 and 75 mining before I knew it! Sadly I only have the picture for 75 because 74 was deleted in the computer redoing :/

After bonues exp weekend finally a new quest! When reading someone's blog I learned it was five minutes max. I really liked it even though it was f2p, if I was f2p at the time it really would've helped me with new weapons and about the combat triangle. I was excited that for the 300 quest points it would be a huge quest but I was wrong, though I was rewarded with the helmet of trials. It looks like a mix between the dwarven helment and the Nez Helment, both gain from quests. After the quest you have the chance to steal demon statues from them. I ran around taking the statues until I got to the last room and killed the boss in about 3 hits only to find a mask part 5 drop. Oh goody another reward!!! I began listening to people and found all the mask pieces. Its quite and ugly mask but it is ment for f2p.

As for the new distracted and diversion Shattered Heart I've been doing it. Right now we're on week three and I have all the pieces to it made I jsut need to wait till tomorrow to add it on. I'm really hoping that after 30 weeks this statue gives a nice reward. If not I might have some praise over the completed statue when I have visitors in my house. While doing the Shattered Heart there were two stones I had trouble getting and they accidentally gave me two levels, 81 Cooking and 86 Agility. You get so carried away looking for a rock in your inventory that you forget about the levels.

Now that school should calm down a bit I may have room for a little more playing and levels to be gained. I'm getting 92 farming tomorrow if everything goes according to plan! :D