So this seems to be the same as last year and the year before, we're just helping him with his factory. Let's hope this one is funner then years past, I don't really like the factory help. So far it seems kind of dull all I've done is clean cogs though, maybe something will get better I mean the Easta Buni is cracking me up with the way he talks!
Just did the glaze combinations, not sure why people are getting so angry about it its not too difficult. If you are having trouble look at your color wheel carefully and makesure you add more of the primary color that is near you color you are searching for. I hope that makes some sence.
With big Ben the squirrel, didnt we do the same thing last year with retraining them to use the machine. If not is seems very familiar. The Big Easter Bird is so cute! Too bad he never does his job. at least it seems like he never has in these years, this year because he's depressed.
The factory was probebly the most ccomplicated thing I have ever ran. All I can tell you is read the side carefully it tells you how to make each of the 7 orders.
Ok just finished the whole thing and I like the squrriel ears! I did the summon minion thing and someone instaantly killed him! The emote isn't half bad either.